Delivered by  experienced facilitators Sarah Cobham and Shannon Wishon, this 30 hour course will enable you to understand how to create  a positive, inclusive environment to support mental health and emotional well being  both in the workplace and in community groups.

With an emphasis on creativity and emotional intelligence, the course’s key aims are to empower the voice, extend and bed in facilitation skills and enable participants to engage in a positive and self reflective manner which will, in turn, give them the skills to enable others.

Peer to Peer Poster

Summary of course content:

  • Power in groups and the need for equality in peer contexts
  • Tools for maintaining equality in groups
  • The group contract
  • Safety of group members
  • Self care – why it is important
  • Tools for self care, including: relaxation skills, body work and affirmations etc.
  • The history of peer-to-peer support
  • What is a ‘peer’? What is creativity and why is it important to me? What is peer-led creative expression?
  • Being a facilitator in a peer-led creative environment: what the role entails, the skills needed
  • Reflective practice
  • Structure and rituals in groups
  • Learning styles and participation methods
  • Designing and delivering a peer-led session (session length: 15 mins per group member)
  • What’s helpful and unhelpful when giving and receiving feedback
  • Facilitating in pairs: why; the advantages and challenges; how can we work together?
  • Models of group development – critical reflection
  • Dealing with difficulties and challenges in groups
  • Owning and celebrating my own power/owning and celebrating the power of others
  • Analysing my strengths and areas for personal development
  • Planning for the future: what next; future opportunities and support
  • Creative expression and learning opportunities throughout the course, including: role play, drama, creative writing, visual art, crafts, dance, music, song etc.Slide1
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